Why You Should Use a Weighted Jump Rope
Dec 27, 2021Erisson Lima
A few years ago I started working for a jump rope company (this one). I hadn't picked up a jump rope since my grade school days, and as far as I knew every jump rope was the same ... "a jump rope is a jump rope," right?
In recent years, jump rope designs have evolved to include speed ropes for increased cardio and footwork intensity along with weighted ropes to intensify the exercise for the entire body. Maybe you've seen these recent designs and are wondering, "Why should I buy a weighted jump rope?" That's what we'll answer in this article.
If you don't want to read it, you can watch it. We partnered with Kaylee Woodard, a professional jumper with her doctorate in Kinesiology, from Learnin' the Ropes. Check it out!
There are four main types of jump rope cords including Wire or Speed Cables, PVC (licorice), Beaded Ropes, and weighted ropes. For the purposes of this article, we're going to be focusing on the last three as they offer the opportunity for increased weight in the rope itself.
There are different designs for weighted jump ropes that place the weight into either the handles, the cord or both. While a weighted handle sounds like a nice feature, it doesn't actually provide a significant benefit. In fact, weighted handles will often unbalance your rope, creating a more difficult jumping experience. A weighted rope or cord is what you want to look for because the weight is evenly distributed throughout the rope, maintaining the balance. This is why we designed the Muay Thai jump rope with a heavy cord. Weighing in at nearly 2lbs, the rope provides significant resistance when turning, taxing your entire upper body much more quickly than weighted handles, which only engage your forearms and shoulders, depending on the total weight.
We're all about equipping and encouraging people to take on big challenges, because we know the process of doing hard things helps us grow in character and capacity.
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