How To Set Up Your Own Jump Rope Equipment

Aug 08, 2024Devin Meek

You've been jumping rope for a while now and are ready to set up your own gear. Great! We want to help you get the most out of your training sessions. That's why we've compiled a list of essential equipment to enhance your workouts, whether you're at home or on the go.

Your Own Set Of Jump Ropes

We’ve said it before: there are several reasons why you should have more than one jump rope. One of those is that different types serve specific purposes. Having a range of ropes lets you diversify your routines and focus on various fitness goals.

For example, if you’re planning on doing HIIT workouts and speed drills, speed ropes are your go-to option.If you want to add resistance to your routine, you should try weighted ropes. Finally, if you want to train rhythm and timing, beaded ropes are your best option because they provide feedback through the feel and sound of the beads hitting the ground.

A Mat For Shock Absorption

Jumping in an area with a flat, smooth surface is ideal. But when your only option is to train in a place with hard surfaces, investing in a jump rope mat becomes necessary. Why? Because jumping on concrete, brick, pavement, or tile can cause considerable wear and tear, and a good mat can prevent your rope from breaking or fraying prematurely.

But that’s not the only benefit. If you’re training in an apartment with wood floors, a mat will help reduce noise and vibrations during your workouts. Additionally, this piece of equipment offers shock absorption, which helps you recover faster by lowering the impact on your joints.

Store Your Jump Rope Properly

If you’re always on the go, then a travel bag is your best option. Ours is made of a velvet material and can store up to 3 jump ropes. The zipper bag is also a good choice – it has a clear plastic front so you can easily identify the jump rope you want to use. Additionally, if you store more than one rope, the clear front allows you to quickly see which rope you're grabbing.

Follow these instructions to avoid untangling your rope the next time you need to use it:

  1. Put one handle on the ground.
  2. Grab right near the end of the cable and another section about a foot farther from your fingers.
  3. Twist behind your original pinch point and continue to do this over and over.

If you’re always training at home or at the gym, then you should consider buying an adjustable jump rope rack. It comes with 12 adjustable posts, perfect for storing jump ropes of any size, style, or manufacture.

Download Our App

No training setup is complete without our new app! This fitness platform is designed to help you level up your skills and set up your jump rope correctly every time. It also connects you with coaches and peers through live classes and a supportive community of fellow jumpers. Meant to boost your cardiovascular health, our app is available for Android and iOS devices. 

Final Thoughts

To recap:

  • A set of different jump ropes
  • A mat
  • A proper way to store your gear
  • An app or routine program to guide your workouts

These are the basic pieces of equipment you need to set up your own jump rope gear. As you progress and gain more experience, you can expand your collection with specific accessories like cable cutters, tally counters, and repair kits.

About the Author

Devin Meek is the Director of Education for Elite Jumps. He's been a jump rope entertainer for over eighteen years and is a three-time world champion competitive jumper. Devin travels the country sharing his passion for the sport, giving jump rope workshops to schools, CrossFit gyms, and corporate wellness programs.


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