Best Jump Rope Music Playlists

Nov 10, 2023Jordan Lindstrom
So you’ve got your jump rope, it’s sized properly, and you’re ready to get to work.
However, you’re not quite sure what the best songs to jump rope to are.
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

First, ask yourself: "What am looking to do with my jump rope?"

Depending on your objectives, you’ll want to consider the pace or tempo (also known as BPM – “beats per minute”) of the music you’ll be listening to.

A song with a higher BPM (125+) is usually best for practicing things that require a higher level of exertion, like double unders or speed jumping.

It’s also a great pace for practicing CrossFit.

For freestyle jumping, you may want to opt for music with a slightly slower tempo

A BPM of 110-125 will allow you to transition in and out of different moves and tricks, while still keeping a relatively solid pace.

When it comes to general fitness, the pace or tempo of your music can change depending on the level of your workout’s intensity.

For a warm-up, you may want something a little slower. Alternatively, toward the end of your workout, you may want something more explosive

The pace at which you jump will ultimately determine how many calories you’re able to burn.

Jumping at a faster pace, results in more calories burned. 

This is why selecting the right songs to jump rope to can have a huge impact on the outcome of your routine.

Here's our selection of 5 playlists to guide you towards your objectives.

We’ve included below an outline of each playlist, songs included, BPM, and how many calories you can expect to burn for each playlist (based on duration and BPM).

However, without your body weight, that number is only an estimate.

For a more accurate idea of how many calories you can expect to burn, you can use this jump rope calories calculator. 

Here are our 5 + Bonus playlists to help you make the best out of Jump Rope.
You can save the playlist in your Spotify account just by clicking + Save on Spotify. Enjoy!


  1. Fitness - (10 songs, 32 min., 457 calories burned, BPM 86 to 172)
    A great choice for anyone looking to burn calories and wants a playlist to keep their energy high and their motivation strong! The first song has a BPM of 86 and is meant to get you warmed up. The BPM gradually increases with each song, finishing the workout with a BPM of 172. 
    Start your Fitness Journey Today!
    Get your Do Hard Things™ Fitness Training Bundle and make 2004 count!

  2. Freestyle Pop -  (10 songs, 34 min., 538 calories burned, BPM 110 to 125)
    This next playlist is perfect for anyone looking to freestyle jump rope. With a fairly consistent tempo, this playlist is great for getting creative with your routine and mixing up your crossovers, double unders, and side swipes.
    Add creativity to your workout routine and exercise body and mind. 
    Get carried away into wellness with the Freestyle Beaded Jump Rope 

  3. Freestyle Hip-Hop - (10 songs, 31 min., 491 calories burned, BPM 110 to 125)
    The perfect for anyone looking to freestyle jump rope and likes to do it in a Hip Hop style. With a fairly consistent tempo, this playlist is great for getting creative with your routine and mixing up your crossovers, double unders, and side swipes.

    Fancy another freestyle flavor?
    Try Hip Hop on this playlist AND with this rope bundle 🤫. 

  4. CrossFit - (10 songs, 36 min., 634 calories burned, BPM 125 to 150)
    Looking for some upbeat routine? If you’re into CrossFit, or looking to crush some double-unders, this playlist is for you! Do you dare to do hard things?

    Dare turn up the volume of your CrossFit routine?
    Really??? Ok... I'll just leave this here, and say nothing...😉

  5. Speed Playlist - (10 songs, 42 min., 749 calories burned, BPM 160 to 220)
    All the songs in this playlist have a BPM of 160 or higher! You’re up for a challenge? Try and complete one rotation for each beat. 🫵

    Like to push and challenge yourself?
    GOOD! Meet the world's preferred speed rope for elite CrossFit athletes and record setters.


As a Bonus, here's a 2024, 3 hour, 70 songs long playlist, that will help you motivate you and will make you smile while you jump rope!

We hope you enjoy these songs and find them beneficial to your routine.

We are always looking to grow and improve our resources.

So, if there are any songs you think should be included in these playlists, or you’d like to share some of your favorite songs to jump rope to, don’t hesitate to reach out!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What Is the Best Tempo for Jump Rope?

    The best tempo for jump rope depends on your goals and your style of jumping rope.

    For double unders or speed jumping, opt for fast-paced songs with BPMs above 125.

    Freestyle jumpers may prefer a slightly slower tempo, around 110-125 BPM, allowing them to transition between moves while maintaining a steady pace.

    By William Holmes - Owner of Jump Rope Hub


      • Diego

        These playlists are great!
        I’m using them daily and once you get familiar with them you can anticipate your jumps to the beat, and get more creative. Thanks for sharing!

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